Ministries and Organizations

Directory of Ministries and Organizations

Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion

Posted in: Ministries

Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion

Under the direction of Deacon Andy, Lay Ministers are commissioned to assist with the distribution of Holy Communion with reverence during Mass. Additionally, some Lay Ministers take Holy Communion to the homebound, and to those in hospitals and nursing homes. Training classes are provided. 

If you are intrested in becoming a Lay Minister, please contact one of the following for more information:

Extraordinary Ministers:     4 PM & 6PM on Saturday and 12:00 Noon on Sunday

                                          Ron Quinlan  843- 251-7859

Extraordinary Ministers:    8 AM on Sunday

                                          Chris Konrad   843-399-7003

Extraordinary Ministers:    10 AM on Sunday

                                          Anita Muise   843-280-0971

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